Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Some interesting Canadian law school news of late:

Senior women lawyers 'vastly underrepresented'
Law Times, Canada - 18 Dec 2006
Currently, 56 per cent of law school graduates are women and those high numbers have been around for quite a few years, but as McCarthy Tétrault LLP's ...

Michael Geist's year-end roundup, Canada - 18 Dec 2006
L is for the LSAT, the standardized test required for admission to virtually every law school in Canada. The LSAT attracted heated criticism after it was ...

The power and relevance of Ojibway sacred stories
News@UofT, Canada - 22 Nov 2006
Johnston was the first female aboriginal law student and first aboriginal law professor at the Faculty of Law. She is featured in a special Women ...

Watch YouTube video and help find killer
Electric New Paper - 6 hours ago
VIDEO-SHARING website YouTube has now become an unconventional crime-fighter in Canada, triggering alarms over police intrusion. This still image from a one-minute video upload on the YouTube website by Canadian police shows people entering a bar in ...

Fly in Water Bottle case overturned
there is justice after all

Tony Merchant is an inspiration
Residential Schools settlement approved.

Video about Stupid Law Students...
Part 1:

Part 2:

1 comment:

  1. Adam, I really want to thank you again for your book. I absolutely love it. It is a wealth of information on so may levels. I find reading it to be very inspiring and comforting; I really appreciate the insights you provide on absolutely every aspect of law school. Being that I'm starting law school in September 2007, I'm so glad I'm reading your book - there are a lot of things you've advised upon that will save me a lot of time and frustration, and helpfully give me a better chance to do well from the get-go, and the chance to make a heck of a lot fewer mistakes!

    I especially appreciate your perspective as a father and husband, particularly on issues like working part time, managing your time, strategies to effective studying and balancing your life.

    I'll be finished the book this week, but you can bet I'm going to read it again in August, and definitely will keep it as a reference manual.

    Essien Udokang
